Nettilamppu37 arvostelua

58% ostaisi täältä uudelleen

Esilletuotut Arvostelut

Oleellisin positiivinen arvio

Ostin lamppuja

Ostin lamppuja todella selkeältä verkkosivulta, tilaaminen oli ihan helppoa. Mutta maksun yhteydessä pankki kysyi yrityksen osoitetta, jota en löytänyt sivuilta. Kysyin asiakasp... Lue lisää: Maahinen

Oleellisin negatiivinen arvio

kolme lamppua

Olin todella pettynyt tilanteeseen, kun sain tiedon kuljetusfirman peruuttaneen kuljetuksen ja palauttaneen rahani. Asiakaspalvelusta sain vain epämiellyttävän vastauksen ja keh... Lue lisää: atte

Eniten ääniä arvostelu

Steinel ulkovalaisimet

Yksi parhaista ellei paras kokemukseni verkko-ostamisesta (ja näitä kokemuksia on kertynyt vuosien saatossa huomattava määrä). Etsimäni tuote löytyi helposti, vaikka vaihtoehto... Lue lisää: Topi Ruuska

Arvostelua (37)






  • Ei arvosteluja vielä!

    Etsi yrityksiä, joilla sinulla on kokemusta, ja kirjoita niistä arvosteluja! Arvostelusi edistävät markkinoiden avoimuutta ja parantavat yritysten luotettavuutta.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Asiakasarvio - Viallinen tuote

    Ostin kolme kattolamppua, ja yksi niistä oli ihan eri tuote kuin mitä olin tilannut. Jouduin sitten tekemään palautuksen, ja se toi extraa vaivaa ja ärsytystä. Koska lamppu oli väärä, jouduin myös perumaan sähkömiehen käynnin. Sain vaan 20% hyvitystä seuraavasta tilauksesta, mikä oli pettymys. Kokemus ei ollut hyvä, joten en aio enää tilata tästä yrityksestä. Kiitos!

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Ostin lamppuja

    Ostin lamppuja todella selkeältä verkkosivulta, tilaaminen oli ihan helppoa. Mutta maksun yhteydessä pankki kysyi yrityksen osoitetta, jota en löytänyt sivuilta. Kysyin asiakaspalvelusta ja sain vastauksen, mutta olisi parempi, jos yrityksen osoite näkyisi jo valmiiksi. Kun lamput sitten saapuivat, toimitus oli nopea ja ne olivat todella laadukkaita.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen


    Tilasin uuden lampun, mutta sain väärän. Jouduin tekemään ylimääräistä hommaa sen palautuksen kanssa ja nyt odottelen uutta lamppua. Ei tullut mitään korvausta virheestä, joten en aio enää tilata täältä.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Ostin kauniin valaisimen

    Valaisin oli todella kaunis, mutta sen liittäminen oli hankalaa. Siinä oli sokeripala ja ohjeet saksaksi, mikä vaikeutti hommaa entisestään. Värikoodit eivät taas vastanneet johdoissa olevia värejä, mikä vain lisäsi sekaannusta. Olisi ollut niin paljon helpompaa, jos olisi ollut suomenkieliset ohjeet, varsinkin kun kyseessä oli kattopistokkeen asennus. Asiakaspalvelusta ei paljon apua saanut, kun siellä vain neuvottiin ostamaan uusi pistoke ja asentamaan se itse.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen


    Kyllä, aika ikävää kun tilaa jotain ja sitten joutuu odottamaan sitä neljä kuukautta. Aina tuli uusia viestejä että toimitus viivästyy, joten ei jaksanut enää innolla odottaa sitä lamppua. Mutta kun se vihdoin saapui, täytyy myöntää että se oli sen arvoista. Tää lamppu on tosi laadukas ja näyttää upealta meidän kotona. No lopulta sain sen tuotteen mitä halusin, vaikka matka sinne oli kyllä aika turhauttava.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Ostin edullisen kattolampun

    Olen tosi tyytyväinen siihen, miten asiakaspalvelu hoiti tilanteeni, kun reklamoin ekasta ostamastani lampusta vian takia. Kauppa lähetti mulle uuden lampun heti ilman, että mun tarvitsi palauttaa sitä rikki mennyt. Vaikka lamppu ei ollut kallis, sain silti tosi hyvää palvelua. Eikä tarvinnut stressata sen enempää, kun homma hoitui niin helposti. Kiitos niistä hyvistä kokemuksista!

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Meluisa lamppu

    Kirjoittaminen arvostelua oli helppoa ja lamppu saapui nopeasti. Myyjä toimi hyvin ja kuljetuksessa ei ollut ongelmia. Mutta itse lamppu ei ollut niin hyvä kuin odotin. Pakkaukset olivat ehjiä, mutta lavat olivat hieman vaurioituneet. Se ei vaikuttanut käyttöön, mutta ulkonäöllisesti oli pettymys. Moottori oli yllättävän äänekäs, joten en suosittele tätä niille, jotka eivät halua melua!

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Lamppun lähettäminen

    Valitettavasti lamppu lähetettiin kuten oli luvattu, mutta toimituksessa oli ongelmia. Odottelin pitkään, mutta en saanut ilmoitusta noutopisteestä. lopulta minulle kerrottiin, että paketin voi hakea eri paikasta kuin odotin.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Hyvä valikoima, nopea toimitus, hankala maksaminen

    Olin tosi vaikuttunut siitä valikoimasta ja niistä kohtuullisista hinnoista. Tuotteet tulivat nopeasti perille, mutta se maksaminen tuotti vähän päänvaivaa. Piti tehdä vähän ylimääräistä hommaa ja se vei aikaa, eikä ihan hirveen selvää ollut, että miksi se maksu piti pistää Saksaan. Toivottavasti tulevaisuudessa tämä homma voitaisiin tehdä selvempänä ja yksinkertaisempana.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Ostin lamppuja

    Hei! Moi! Hankin lamppuja ja laitoin ne toimitukseen kotiovelle. Valitettavasti jouduin noutamaan tilaukseni 15 kilometrin päästä postilaatikosta, joten kotiinkuljetus ei toiminut kuten odotin. Maksoin siis kotiinkuljetuksesta turhaan vajaan kympin. En tilaa enää toista kertaa kotiinkuljetusta teiltä.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Tuotteen saaminen kesti

    Olin vähän kärsimätön odotellessani tilaustani, mutta loppujen lopuksi kaikki meni hyvin. Tuote vastasi odotuksiani ja oli juuri sellainen kuin kuvauksessa luvattiin. Ärsyttävää oli kuitenkin se, ettei tilausvahvistusta tullut automaattisesti, mutta sain sen onneksi pyytämällä.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    kolme lamppua

    Olin todella pettynyt tilanteeseen, kun sain tiedon kuljetusfirman peruuttaneen kuljetuksen ja palauttaneen rahani. Asiakaspalvelusta sain vain epämiellyttävän vastauksen ja kehotuksen tekemään uuden tilauksen. Vaikka en löytänyt tarvitsemiani lamppuja muualta, tämä kokemus jätti ikävän maun suuhuni.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Ostin valaisimen

    Nettilampussa on todella laaja valikoima erilaisia tuotteita, jotka vastaavat hyvin kuvia ja tuoteselosteita. Valaisimen asentaminen oli ihan helppoa, vaikka Lindby Enriquen johdot olivat vähän hankalia lyhentää. Ja oli tosi kiva yllätys, että tiedotus toimitusmuutoksista toimi hyvin. Mutta oli kyllä vaikeaa valita isoista valaisinvalikoimista sopivaa, siinä oli ainut miinuspuoli.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Ulkoseinän valaisin

    Toimitusseurannasta tuli ensin huono uutinen, että tuote olisi vaurioitunut matkalla, mutta lopulta kaikki oli kunnossa. Olin vähän pettynyt, että piti käydä kahdesti hakemassa tuote noutopisteeltä, mutta onneksi se lopulta saapui perille asti. Valaisin oli täysin ehjä ja juuri sellainen kuin kuvissa. Se sopii täydellisesti suunnittelemaani tilaan ja olen todella tyytyväinen lopputulokseen.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Ostin lamput

    Ostin lamput ja ne tulivat tosi nopeasti. Olin tosi iloinen, että toimitus oli niin nopea ja lamput vastasivat odotuksiani. Tykkäsin myös siitä, että tilaaminen oli helppoa eikä tarvinnut odottaa kauaa lamppujen saapumista kotiin. Suosittelen ehdottomasti!

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    kaksi lamppua

    Toinen lamppu tuli myöhässä ja jouduin ottamaan yhteyttä asiakaspalveluun. Onneksi sain lopulta seurantanumeron ja vihdoin pari viikkoa myöhemmin lamppu saapui perille.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Valikoima on valtava ja löysimme sopivan tuotteen sopivalla hinnalla.

    Vau, mikä valikoima! Täällä me löydettiin just se mitä oltiin etsitty, vieläpä tosi hyvään hintaan. Ei tarvinnut hypätä muihin kauppoihin, kaikki mitä tarvittiin löytyi täältä. Suosittelen ehdottomasti kaikille, jotka tarvitsee lamppuja!

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen


    Ostin netistä muutamia uusia sisustusvalaisimia ja täytyy sanoa, että olin yleisesti ottaen tyytyväinen kokemukseen. Tilasin helposti haluamani tuotteet ja vaikka toimitus oli hieman myöhässä sovitusta ajasta, se saapui lopulta perille. Tuotteet vastasivat odotuksiani ja olivat laadukkaita. Olisin toivonut tarkempia seurantatietoja, mutta ymmärrän että se ei aina ole täysin verkkokaupan hallinnassa. En tarvinnut asiakaspalvelun apua tällä kertaa, mutta olisin toivonut heidän olevan yhtä ammattitaitoisia kuin muu palvelu vaikutti olevan.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen

    Ostin lamppuja

    Lamppujen toimitus kesti yllättävän kauan, koska niitä ei alun perin ollut varastossa vaan ne piti tilata erikseen toimittajalta. Tämä hidasti tilauksen käsittelyä ja toimitusaikaa. Olisi hyvä, jos toimittajan saatavuus ja tuotteen varastotilanne olisi nähtävissä ennen tilausta. Itse lamput olivat kuitenkin laadukkaita ja vastasivat odotuksia.

  • Tilaus




    ostaisi täältä uudelleen


    Ostin nettilampulta kattovalaisimen. Tein tilauksen 6.5. ja tuote toimitettiin kotiovelle tänään 12.5. Olin todella positiivisesti yllättynyt näin nopeasta toimituksesta! Kiitos, tulen tilaamaan jatkossakin :)


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    Jerome Ryan

    Address: 1791 Cody Ridge Road
    Amarillo, OK 79106


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    James Allard

    Address: 4608 Emily Drive
    Columbia, SC 29201

    Hi there,

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    Kind Regards,


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    Agency Rights Included: Offer TOKmate as a service to clients and help them go viral while you earn.

    Double Back Guarantee: Created by Luke Maguire, TOKmate is backed by a results-driven guarantee - double your investment back if you don't see results. No risk, just results.

    Viral Hashtag Board: Find and save the most trending hashtags in your niche, and add them with one click to your posts to ensure your content reaches the exact audience you want.

    Trending Module Bonus: Secure the full Trending Module during launch, which keeps you up to date on what's trending today so you can act fast and stay ahead. Only available during launch!

    Remix Module Access: Get access to our Remix Module with 100+ templates of proven 'viral filler' content that 5x engagement on any video. After launch, this becomes a $67/month upgrade!

    Why TikTok Wants You to Go Viral

    TikTok's goal is simple: to put the exact type of content people want to see in front of them, right when they want it. With 1 billion monthly active users and an engagement rate four times higher than Instagram, TikTok is the perfect platform to get your content seen. TOKmate leverages this by helping you create accounts that consistently go viral by putting your content in the feeds of people who love it.

    Secure TOKmate Now Before the Price Goes Up Again: ... !

    The clock is ticking - don't let this opportunity slip by. Secure your access now and start seeing the viral growth you've always wanted.

    Grab Your Access ... Bonuses Now: ... !

    To Your Viral Success,
    Thomas Stewart

    Address: 1580 Clover Drive
    Springfield, CO 81073

    Imagine having access to the world's leading AI tools without the hassle of monthly fees. With OneAi, you get all the premium AI technologies from a single powerful dashboard—no recurring charges required!

    Introducing OneAi: The Ultimate AI Dashboard

    With OneAi, you get instant access to:
    ? ChatGPT 4.0 ... ChatGPT 4 – The latest in conversational AI
    ? Gemini Pro – Advanced multi-modal capabilities
    ? DALL·E 3 – Stunning AI-generated images
    ? Leonardo AI – Innovative design and creative solutions
    ? Microsoft Copilot Pro – Boost productivity with AI assistance
    ? Meta Llama 3 – Powerful language models
    ? Stable Diff XL – Enhanced image synthesis
    ? PaLM 2 – Next-level natural language processing

    All from a single, intuitive dashboard. No more need to navigate between different apps or manage multiple subscriptions: ... .

    OneAi simplifies your AI experience and puts the power of leading-edge technology in your hands.

    Ready to take your AI game to the next level?

    Click here to get started with OneAi today: ... !

    Mariam Walker

    Address: 4598 Arthur Avenue
    Shannon, IL 61078


    KDP is Amazon’s platform for selling books…

    And my friend Venkata created an app that exploits it…
    …allowing you to generate, publish, and sell books there: ...

    On complete autopilot…

    Without writing a word
    Without designing anything
    Without running ads
    Without paying anything upfront
    Without waiting

    Yes, you can have your fully-fledged book created within seconds…

    Let the app even publish it for you on KDP…

    And get your first sale within a couple of hours…

    It’s really crazy, and you can watch it live HERE…

    Right now, you can create your account with Blaster
    And secure your chance of dominating KDP: ...

    But that won’t last long…

    So if you clicked on the link above and it took you to a blank page, you are out of luck

    Arlie Wren

    Address: 627 Parrill Court
    Valparaiso, IN 46383


    Are you ready to take your business to the next level with the power of AI?

    Imagine having instant access to the world’s leading AI tools, all in one place, and without any monthly fees.

    Welcome to Total Ai, where the future of business innovation is at your fingertips.

    Why Total Ai is a Game-Changer:

    Single Dashboard: Access top-tier AI tools like ChatGPT 4, Gemini Pro, DALL·E 3, and more from a single platform: ... .

    Cost-Effective: No more worrying about expensive subscriptions—get premium AI capabilities for free.

    Efficiency Boost: Streamline your operations and boost productivity with cutting-edge AI technology.

    AI Tools Available in Total Ai:
    ChatGPT 4: Create world-class content and sales copy with ease.

    Gemini Pro: Utilize Google’s advanced AI for insights and analytics.

    DALL·E 3: Generate stunning 4K HD images and artwork.

    Leonardo AI: Produce ultra-HD videos and realistic paintings: ... .

    Microsoft Copilot Pro: Write high-demand HTML, CSS, and programming codes.

    Meta Llama 3: Translate any language and answer complex questions.

    Stable Diffusion XL: Transform text into breathtaking AI images and realistic portraits.

    PaLM 2: Develop powerful AI tools and apps effortlessly.

    Join the AI Revolution:

    Experience Total Ai Today

    Don’t miss your chance to dominate your industry with a tool that brings everything together effortlessly. Transform your business strategy and unlock endless possibilities with Total Ai: ... .

    Looking forward to your success,

    Lee Valdes

    Address: 2465 Bassel Street
    Kenner, LA 70062


    We'd like to introduce to you our explainer video service, which we feel can benefit your site

    Check out a couple of our existing videos here:

    Our prices start from as little as $195 and include a professional
    script and voice-over. We also provide other accents and non-English languages.

    If this is something you would like to discuss further, don't hesitate to reply.

    Kind Regards,


    Imagine accessing the world’s leading AI platforms—ChatGPT 4, Gemini Pro, DALL·E 3, Leonardo AI, Microsoft Copilot Pro, Meta Llama 3, Stable Diffusion XL, and PaLM 2—all from a single dashboard without paying any monthly fees.

    Welcome to One AI: ... !

    Artificial intelligence is transforming the way businesses operate, offering incredible capabilities like AI-generated images, videos, and sales copy at lightning speed. But accessing these powerful tools often comes with a hefty price tag.

    Consider this:
    ChatGPT 4: $29/month
    Gemini Pro: $33/month
    DALL·E 3: $49/month
    Leonardo AI: $54/month
    Microsoft Copilot Pro: $79/month
    Meta Llama 3: $35/month
    Stable Diffusion XL: $89/month
    PaLM 2: $97/month

    That's a staggering $12,717 annually just to keep up with the AI revolution.

    But what if there was a better way?

    Introducing One AI:

    All-in-One Platform: Access all top-tier AI apps from a single, easy-to-use dashboard.

    Cost-Free: No monthly fees—ever - : ... !

    Complete Control: Use these powerful tools to elevate your business, create world-class content, and more.

    Why One AI is a game-changer:

    Create stunning 4K HD AI images with DALL·E.

    Generate ultra-HD videos and realistic paintings using Leonardo AI.

    Write high-demand programming code with Microsoft Copilot Pro.

    Translate any language and get answers to complex questions with Meta Llama 3.

    And much more, all with the click of a button.

    Ready to experience the future of AI?

    Unlock One AI Now: ...

    Don’t miss your chance to transform your workflow and access the world's best AI tools without the cost. Act now to secure your spot and start your journey to AI mastery.

    Best regards,
    Steven Potter

    Address: 3752 Pearlman Avenue
    Billerica, MA 01821

    Dear Creative Entrepreneur,

    Today marks the final opportunity to access Leonardo – the platform that's transformed graphic design into a simple, profitable, and enjoyable process.

    ? Remember, Leonardo is your ticket to:

    Crafting AI-generated visuals that captivate and sell, in mere minutes.

    Opening a floodgate of traffic through eye-catching, SEO-friendly images. It's time to tap into a gold mine that most are overlooking: Google Image Search powered by AI: ...

    Launching a graphic design service that requires zero traditional training.

    Earning from a variety of revenue streams, passive and active, online.

    We've watched users go from design novices to in-demand pros, selling their artwork on global marketplaces and securing a steady income stream, all thanks to Leonardo' intuitive AI-powered platform.

    But now, the window is closing.

    This is your LAST CHANCE to grab Leonardo at the current offer, with full access to all its features – from AI-generated stock images and illustrations to logos, icons, and more, all crafted within a user-friendly editor that’s been a game-changer for so many.

    Don't let hesitation hold you back from what could be the turning point in your creative and financial path.

    ? Click here to claim your access before the clock runs out: ...

    As the saying goes, 'opportunity doesn't knock twice.' This is your moment, seize it with Leonardo and watch as your design capabilities – and revenue – soar to new heights.

    Wishing you a future brimming with success and creativity.

    Farewell, for now, let's make these final hours count!

    To your unlimited creative potential,

    Vernon Wilson

    P.S.: Miss this, and you'll miss out on the simplest path to design success and financial growth. Let's end this chapter on a high note. Join us, and let's create masterpieces together with Leonardo.

    Address: 1541 Cottrill Lane
    Saint Louis, MO 63130

    Yo, ever heard of Amazon’s KDP?

    Maybe you did maybe you didn’t…

    But anyway, it's a $4.3 billion platform…
    …that allows people like you and me to publish books.

    And make a huge profit off of it: ...

    You can go now, and publish a book there, and make money…

    It’s that easy…


    Writing a book is NOT easy, nor cheap…

    It takes months of hard work…
    …and you need to publish dozens of books to make good money.

    But what if you don’t have to do all of that?

    What if you can skip all of that…
    …and start publishing dozens of books a day.

    How? With the help of the world’s first AI app that uses “content mapping”: ...

    My good friend Venkata just opened the doors to his newest creation… BLASTER

    With Blaster, you will be able to enter just a keyword…
    …And within a few seconds, you will have a stunning book written for you in any niche.

    Not just any book…

    A fully edited, formatted, and designed book with 200+ of engaging pages…

    Not only that, it will even publish for you on Amazon’s KDP
    And ensure you rank at the top of whatever category you choose…

    Click here now and watch Blaster works in action: ...

    Carlos Spencer

    Address: 4242 Virginia Street
    Chicago, IL 60605


    Imagine If you get Access to All the Powerful AIs from One Dashboard
    and not only that- You can sell their service too with inbuilt system...

    Access World's Best Premium AI App Collection Create
    ... Sell World-Class AI Contents ... Marketing Materials - With ZERO M0nthly F'ees: ...

    Here's What You'll Will Accessing For L1fetime F-REE

    Open AI ChatGPT 4.0 Cost $240/Y You P'ay $0
    Gemini Cost $330/Y You P'ay $0
    Dall E3 Cost $210/Y You P'ay $0
    Leoanardo AI $429/Y You P'ay $0
    Copilot $270/Y You P'ay $0
    Llama 3 $540/Y You P'ay $0
    Stable Diffusion XL $180/Y You P'ay $0
    PaLM2 $390/Y You P'ay $0

    ...> Go here to Watch How it works: ...

    Use C0upon: ONEAI30 ( 30% 0ff full funnel )

    VVIP Bonus ...1 ZEUS - "Set ... Forget A.I. App" that transforms TikTok into a viral traffic machine,

    VVIP Bonus ...2 Fusion - World's First A.I. App Exploits "Instagram Threads" for Free Traffic, Leads, ... Sales Instantly!

    VVIP Bonus ...3 Quantum - ChatGPT Add-On Creates "Faceless YouTube? Channels",

    Go Fast and Secure your copy...>: ...

    Use C0upon: ONEAI30 ( 30% 0ff full funnel )

    Exclusive Bonus1: SendPal AI
    Exclusive Bonus2: GraphicX
    Exclusive Bonus3: InfinityBlog

    + You will get 2 F-ree Upgrades

    F-REE UPGRADE1: One AI Website Conversion Builder (OTO11)
    F-REE UPGRADE2: One AI DFY FunnelBuilder (OTO12)

    Hurry Up!

    Only 24 Copies Left

    Go Fast and Secure your copy...>: ...

    Jimmy Blackshire

    Address: 3434 Lincoln Drive
    York, PA 17401

    Transform any your ideas, keywords, website URL, blogs, pages, and e-commerce stores into stunning Real Android ... iOS mobile apps in less than 60 seconds!

    ...>Access Now and Save up to 10% with "Subscribe to Save" : ...

    Generate highly advanced Mobile apps and upload them on different app stores Like Google-Play ... Apple App Store…
    ... To easily make huge profits weekly, monthly and annually on complete autopilot...

    Here's why you need to act now:
    Create Unlimited Android ... IOS Mobile Apps Using Al
    Transform Any Website Url, Keywords, Blogs, Pages ... Ecom Store into A Fully Functional Stunning Mobile Apps
    Create Personal Or Business Mobile Apps For Any Niche Using
    Publish Your App on Google-Play and Apple store In Less Than 60 Seconds
    Payment Integration, accept payments in your app through Payment Gateways
    Send Push Notifications To Your App Users And Get Up To 98% Open Rate.
    Send Unlimited Emails ... SMS Directly To Your Users
    Add Unlimited Custom Domains ... Subdomains Without Any Restrictions.
    Built-In Interactive elementsa to add Coupon, Loyalty Program, Appointment and event booking,
    Convert existing website URL into Android/iOS App
    Generate native android and iOS apps
    Built-in App Monetization
    Maintain and update the APP monthly

    Ready to take the leap into the future of app development? Try it today and experience the simplicity of turning your dreams into reality.

    ...> Create an account and chat with an expert online now: ...

    Don't let coding complexities hold you back.

    Save up to 10% with "Subscribe to Save"

    But these are available for a very limited time.
    So, don’t you dare miss out on this.

    ...> Get your app now: ...

    Best regards,
    Rocky Terry

    Address: 4999 Beechwood Avenue
    Piscataway, NJ 08854


    Gone are the days when you had to run around self proclaimed marketing gurus to make passive income online.


    All you need is to use artificial intelligence to provide tons of amazing service, ... it’ll take off the rest.

    How about we handing over a crazy AI tech that helps newbies create ... sell premium stock assets to hungry business owners globally?

    Wanna know more…

    See The Full Scoop For StocksBreeze AI Here: ...

    StocksBreeze AI comes loaded with 15 Million+ assets including-

    5 Million+ High Quality and Definition Stock Videos, 50k+ Icons, 100k+ Graphics, 500+ Motion Background Videos, 350+ eCovers, 120k+ Stickers, 75K+ Premium Icons, 3000+ Logo Templates, 10,000 Super AI Prompts Library.

    It has tons of other AI apps ... features including…

    AI File Chat ... Doc Scan, AI Article Generator, AI Web Chat, AI Product Photo Generator, Custom InBuilt Image Editor, Advanced Video Editor,
    3D Image Generation and Stock Library, Meme Creator, Generate Multiple AI Images Using A Single Prompt, AI Image Enhancer, AI Logo Generator,
    AI-Powered Image Prompting Services, Stable Diffusion 1.5 ... Stable Diffusion 3 Integration, Generate 3D Images ... 3D models from textual prompts, Luma AI Integration, Deepgram Nova-2 Integration, Suno AI Integration, Gemini PRO.

    The coolest part…

    You don’t need prior photoshop skills, prior design skills or invest a fortune from your pockets.

    With this…

    Say goodbye to age old visual assets creation tools that literally bored the audience to death!

    Streamline your path to build a life-changing income online by creating ... selling royalty free multimedia assets to tons of business owners.

    I highly recommend checking out StocksBreeze AI today: ... …

    All Local and Online marketers/Business Owners will need this in their arsenal and right n0w it’s as cheap as it is ever going to be.

    Oops, did I mention…

    You’re also getting exclusive bonuses worth ... that will make this deal an unforgettable affair.

    B0nuses Go Here: ...

    But these are available for a very limited time.

    So, don’t miss out on this?

    Grab StocksBreeze AI With Limited Time Bonuses: ...

    To Your Success,
    Alvin Toney

    Address: 3915 Chicago Avenue
    Woodlake, CA 93286


    Throughout the past few years, billions of people around the world have made drastic changes to their daily lives.

    This particular industry has been growing EXPLOSIVELY, and it seems all the world is now hooked on it: ...

    What are they hooked on?

    eLearning. I'm guessing you've heard about and seen it by now. There's a good chance you've been a participant too.

    The eLearning industry has absolutely exploded with growth, as it has gained tens of millions of new participants each month and continues to grow daily.

    All kinds of people have jumped into the eLearning world. Students of all ages have integrated eLearning into their schooling, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    Professionals in all fields have turned to eLearning to increase their knowledge, or learn new skills to help them with better employment.

    Others ranging from stay-home-moms to retirees have been flocking to eLearning to enhance their lives, become healthier, and participate in new hobbies.

    When you factor in all the pet-training courses, it literally seems like everyone including grandma, and grandma's dog is getting involved in eLearning!

    The eLearning market is now a $400 Billion industry and is predicted to grow it $840 Billion by the end of the decade.

    This is the perfect time to jump into the eLearning market, and I've got a great opportunity for you to start today.

    Using this brand-new AI-powered platform, you can launch your own eLearning business in a matter of minutes, with no prior experience or technical skills needed!

    I recommend going here and checking it out immediately: ...

    The launch special will be expiring soon, so don't wait.

    Others are already joining this great opportunity, don't let it slip by!

    To your success,

    William Felipe

    Address: 3833 Medical Center Drive
    Sarasota, FL 34234

    Imagine having access to the world's leading AI tools without the hassle of monthly fees. With OneAi, you get all the premium AI technologies from a single powerful dashboard—no recurring charges required!

    Introducing OneAi: The Ultimate AI Dashboard

    With OneAi, you get instant access to:
    ? ChatGPT 4.0 ... ChatGPT 4 – The latest in conversational AI
    ? Gemini Pro – Advanced multi-modal capabilities
    ? DALL·E 3 – Stunning AI-generated images
    ? Leonardo AI – Innovative design and creative solutions
    ? Microsoft Copilot Pro – Boost productivity with AI assistance
    ? Meta Llama 3 – Powerful language models
    ? Stable Diff XL – Enhanced image synthesis
    ? PaLM 2 – Next-level natural language processing

    All from a single, intuitive dashboard. No more need to navigate between different apps or manage multiple subscriptions: ... .

    OneAi simplifies your AI experience and puts the power of leading-edge technology in your hands.

    Ready to take your AI game to the next level?

    Click here to get started with OneAi today: ... !

    William Coleman

    Address: 1223 Leroy Lane
    Wasta, SD 57791

    Imagine having access to the world's leading AI tools without the hassle of monthly fees. With OneAi, you get all the premium AI technologies from a single powerful dashboard—no recurring charges required!

    Introducing OneAi: The Ultimate AI Dashboard

    With OneAi, you get instant access to:
    ? ChatGPT 4.0 ... ChatGPT 4 – The latest in conversational AI
    ? Gemini Pro – Advanced multi-modal capabilities
    ? DALL·E 3 – Stunning AI-generated images
    ? Leonardo AI – Innovative design and creative solutions
    ? Microsoft Copilot Pro – Boost productivity with AI assistance
    ? Meta Llama 3 – Powerful language models
    ? Stable Diff XL – Enhanced image synthesis
    ? PaLM 2 – Next-level natural language processing

    All from a single, intuitive dashboard. No more need to navigate between different apps or manage multiple subscriptions: ... .

    OneAi simplifies your AI experience and puts the power of leading-edge technology in your hands.

    Ready to take your AI game to the next level?

    Click here to get started with OneAi today: ... !

    William Coleman

    Address: 1223 Leroy Lane
    Wasta, SD 57791


    Guess What ?

    Now You Launch Your Own 6-Figure White-Labelled Lifelike Interactive Book Creation Agency Instantly …

    And Make Huge Profit Per Client Without Any Extra Effort.

    Hard to believe, right?

    But Trust Me ...

    Because Now you can do this with the help of this AI Tech ...

    Check Out AI Interactive Books Now ...> ...

    AI Interactive Books is AI tech that magically transforms simple keywords into stunning, interactive books packed with:

    ✅ Videos
    ✅ GIFs
    ✅ Eye-catching Graphics
    ✅ Storytelling Prompts
    ✅ Clickable CTAs
    ✅ QR Codes
    ✅ Quizzes
    ✅ Lead Capture Forms and more!

    These books aren't just ordinary eBooks... they engage readers in ways never seen before, making them perfect for any niche.

    And By leveraging AI Interactive Books, you can offer a premium service that stands out in a crowded marketplace.

    Click Here to Learn More About AI Interactive Book ...> ...

    ... Here’s The Best Part…

    For a limited time, We’re including Incredible Bonuses that will take your AI Interactive book creation to the next level

    These bonuses are available for a limited time, so act now!

    Get Instant Access of AI Interactive Books Now >> ...

    To Your Success,

    Jason Groves

    Address: 737 Christie Way
    Quincy, MA 02169


    You've no-doubt heard about the success of Udemy and other eLearning platforms like it.

    Last year Udemy alone did in the range of $600-700 Million, and the industry as a whole is around $400 Billion.

    But here's a dirty little secret about the business: Udemy isn't even making profits yet.

    OK, technically it's not a secret since they're a publicly-held company, but most of their instructors and customers are certainly not aware of it.

    Along with their competitors in the industry, they're focused on growth, and as a result they're losing tens of millions of dollars every quarter.

    That's not to say that it's a bad business, or won't become profitable.

    However, I bring this up to make two points:

    1) There's a better way for most of us to start an eLearning business.

    2) You really can compete with platforms like Udemy.

    Here's a brand new AI solution that allowed you to start your own Udemy-like academies in a matter of minutes: ...

    While companies like Udemy are building their business like a typical startup in the world of Fortune 500 companies (raising gazillions from investors, taking years to become profitable, etc.), individual entrepreneurs can create a profitable business immediately.

    No red tape to cut through. No investors to keep happy and pay back. You can start for pennies and be profitable from day one.

    In that sense, you REALLY can compete with platforms like Udemy.

    Using this new AI platform called CourseMateAi, you can also compete with them in other ways.

    By harnessing the power of AI, you can generate new courses on any topic, at any time.

    That gives you an edge over those other platforms. Suppose there is a new trend or breakthrough in a niche. You can create a course with the AI and launch it within minutes, while instructors on Udemy are scrambling for weeks to do the same.

    Again, all this is not to say that the mega-platforms like Udemy and Coursera are bad. Just to say that you can beat them at their own game by leveraging this new technology today: ...

    Right now CourseMateAi is super affordable during the launch special, but the price will be increasing to a monthly subscription due to huge demand. Get in now before it's too late.

    To your success,

    Ann Lamm

    Address: 297 Jadewood Drive
    South Bend, IN 46625


    I just visited and wondered if you'd ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do?

    Our prices start from just $195.

    Let me know if you're interested in seeing samples of our previous work.



    Ready to unlock the future of AI technology without the burden of monthly fees?

    TotalAi offers you seamless access to the most advanced AI tools available, all from one easy-to-use dashboard—no recurring costs involved: ... .

    What’s inside TotalAi?

    ✅ ChatGPT 4.0 ... ChatGPT 4 – The latest in conversational AI

    ✅ Gemini Pro – Advanced multi-modal capabilities

    ✅ DALL·E 3 – Stunning AI-generated images

    ✅ Leonardo AI – Innovative design and creative solutions

    ✅ Microsoft Copilot Pro – Boost productivity with AI assistance

    ✅ Meta Llama 3 – Powerful language models

    ✅ Stable Diff XL – Enhanced image synthesis

    ✅ PaLM 2 – Next-level natural language processing

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to streamline your AI experience and save on monthly fees. Get Started with TotalAi Today: ... !

    Michelle Petersen

    Address: 1927 Timber Oak Drive
    San Luis Obispo, CA 93401


    We all know how powerful writing a book is…

    I mean, all the top marketers, entrepreneurs, and businessmen have their books…

    And for a good reason…

    It gives you instant authority in any field or niche you choose…

    Allowing you to make a boatload of money, all while helping people…

    But here is the issue…

    Writing a book is NOT easy…

    It takes months of hard work and a small fortune…

    But what if we can skip all of that?

    What if you can just enter a keyword, or select a niche…

    And within just a few seconds, you can have a full book: ...

    Written, edited, formatted, and designed…

    I’m not talking about putting together a few articles and calling it a book…

    I’m talking about publisher-quality books with 200+ pages…

    You can create novels, self-help books, business books, kids' books, and tons more…

    How? Easy…

    With the help of the world’s first AI app that uses a content-mapping algorithm to do so…

    But it gets better…

    Not only will Blaster create the book for you…

    It will also blast it over Amazon’s KDP platform…

    Allowing you to make hundreds of dollars every single day, on complete autopilot: ...

    Write now, you can create your account with Blaster, and enjoy the power of the AI content-mapping algorithm…

    But you have to hurry, because my guess is, it won’t stay open to the public for long…

    So click here and go watch Blaster works in action…

    Scott Soto

    Address: 1185 Traders Alley
    St Joseph, MO 64507

    Hi there,

    We run a Youtube growth service, where we can increase your subscriber count safely and practically.

    - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new subscribers each month.
    - Real, human subscribers who subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos.
    - Safe: All actions are done, without using any automated tasks / bots.

    Our price is just $60 (USD) per month and we can start immediately.

    If you are interested then we can discuss further.

    Kind Regards,


    You can now have a freelancing business that operates itself and still makes daily profits from clients even in your absence.

    This doesn't have anything to do with being a freelancer or not

    All you need is the FreelancingPro AI,

    >> Click here to get access: ...

    Here is how it works…

    This software creates a DFY Freelancing platform like Fiverr and Upwork with 30+ AI robot experts in different skill sets preloaded with a high-paying client database that will pay for services on your Freelancing platform.

    No Monthly Fee for maintenance
    Easy-to-use Dashboard

    >> Click here to Launch your Freelancing Business: ...

    You can customize it to suit your brand…In just 3 clicks you can have your complete freelancing platform ready...

    Login: Login to Al Freelancer-based app (Nothing to Install)
    Setup: Just I-Click To Setup Your Al-Driven Freelancing platform
    Profit: Your Profit-Pulling Al-Driven Freelancing platform Is Ready To pull in Huge Bucks For You Automatically

    That’s how easy it is to use the FreelancerPro AI to start getting top-dollar payments from clients.

    But the catch is,

    We have just limited slots for the FreelancerPro AI earlybird access and this means if you don’t take action now you might have to pay double later.

    >> Click here to Launch your Freelancing Business: ...

    Gregory Sachs

    Address: 2408 Harvest Lane
    Los Angeles, CA 90017


    Imagine accessing the world’s most advanced AI tools from one convenient platform—without any monthly fees. With TotalAi, that vision becomes a reality: ... .

    TotalAi gives you access to:

    ✅ ChatGPT 4.0 ... ChatGPT 4 – The latest in conversational AI

    ✅ Gemini Pro – Advanced multi-modal capabilities

    ✅ DALL·E 3 – Stunning AI-generated images

    ✅ Leonardo AI – Innovative design and creative solutions

    ✅ Microsoft Copilot Pro – Boost productivity with AI assistance

    ✅ Meta Llama 3 – Powerful language models

    ✅ Stable Diff XL – Enhanced image synthesis

    ✅ PaLM 2 – Next-level natural language processing

    Simplify your AI setup and maximize your productivity with TotalAi, all without recurring charges. Start Your AI Journey Now: ... !

    Ralph Carter

    Address: 2188 Hillside Drive
    Broussard, LA 70518


    KDP is Amazon’s platform for selling books…

    And my friend Venkata created an app that exploits it…
    …allowing you to generate, publish, and sell books there: ...

    On complete autopilot…

    Without writing a word
    Without designing anything
    Without running ads
    Without paying anything upfront
    Without waiting

    Yes, you can have your fully-fledged book created within seconds…

    Let the app even publish it for you on KDP…

    And get your first sale within a couple of hours…

    It’s really crazy, and you can watch it live HERE…

    Right now, you can create your account with Blaster
    And secure your chance of dominating KDP: ...

    But that won’t last long…

    So if you clicked on the link above and it took you to a blank page, you are out of luck

    Jean Zachary

    Address: 938 Franklee Lane
    Portland, PA 97205


    Are you ready to take your business to the next level with the power of AI?

    Imagine having instant access to the world’s leading AI tools, all in one place, and without any monthly fees.

    Welcome to Total Ai, where the future of business innovation is at your fingertips.

    Why Total Ai is a Game-Changer:

    Single Dashboard: Access top-tier AI tools like ChatGPT 4, Gemini Pro, DALL·E 3, and more from a single platform: ... .

    Cost-Effective: No more worrying about expensive subscriptions—get premium AI capabilities for free.

    Efficiency Boost: Streamline your operations and boost productivity with cutting-edge AI technology.

    AI Tools Available in Total Ai:
    ChatGPT 4: Create world-class content and sales copy with ease.

    Gemini Pro: Utilize Google’s advanced AI for insights and analytics.

    DALL·E 3: Generate stunning 4K HD images and artwork.

    Leonardo AI: Produce ultra-HD videos and realistic paintings: ... .

    Microsoft Copilot Pro: Write high-demand HTML, CSS, and programming codes.

    Meta Llama 3: Translate any language and answer complex questions.

    Stable Diffusion XL: Transform text into breathtaking AI images and realistic portraits.

    PaLM 2: Develop powerful AI tools and apps effortlessly.

    Join the AI Revolution:

    Experience Total Ai Today

    Don’t miss your chance to dominate your industry with a tool that brings everything together effortlessly. Transform your business strategy and unlock endless possibilities with Total Ai: ... .

    Looking forward to your success,

    Richard Davidson

    Address: 3591 Brown Bear Drive
    Corona, CA 91720


    Presently, this service-based system has been pulling over $28,000 in 10 months for one of our freelancers…

    We have finally cracked and replicated this system in our new software so that even a novice can earn top dollars online without experience.

    That’s why we launched FreelancerPro AI,

    >> See how it works here and get instant access: ...

    FreelancerPro AI comes with an automated and ready-to-profit freelancing system… Just set and forget while AI makes the profit for you.

    It takes just 60 seconds to set up…

    Imagine getting access to software that helps you profit from the $3.5M freelancing industry without a huge investment.

    Unlike Fiverr and Upwork where you have to bid for jobs...

    You aren’t doing any of that, AI lands these high-paying jobs and executes them for you while you get paid instantly into your local bank account.

    This is a no-brainer if you are looking for the easiest way to make money online doing almost nothing.

    >> Click here to get access to FreelancerPro AI ready-to-profit system: ...

    Candie Mitchell

    Address: 1684 Ralph Drive
    Lorain, OH 44052


    Ready to unlock the future of AI technology without the burden of monthly fees?

    TotalAi offers you seamless access to the most advanced AI tools available, all from one easy-to-use dashboard—no recurring costs involved: ... .

    What’s inside TotalAi?

    ✅ ChatGPT 4.0 ... ChatGPT 4 – The latest in conversational AI

    ✅ Gemini Pro – Advanced multi-modal capabilities

    ✅ DALL·E 3 – Stunning AI-generated images

    ✅ Leonardo AI – Innovative design and creative solutions

    ✅ Microsoft Copilot Pro – Boost productivity with AI assistance

    ✅ Meta Llama 3 – Powerful language models

    ✅ Stable Diff XL – Enhanced image synthesis

    ✅ PaLM 2 – Next-level natural language processing

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to streamline your AI experience and save on monthly fees. Get Started with TotalAi Today: ... !

    Clarence Anders

    Address: 2511 Pinewood Avenue
    Escanaba, MI 49829


    You can now have a freelancing business that operates itself and still makes daily profits from clients even in your absence.

    This doesn't have anything to do with being a freelancer or not

    All you need is the FreelancingPro AI,

    >> Click here to get access: ...

    Here is how it works…

    This software creates a DFY Freelancing platform like Fiverr and Upwork with 30+ AI robot experts in different skill sets preloaded with a high-paying client database that will pay for services on your Freelancing platform.

    No Monthly Fee for maintenance
    Easy-to-use Dashboard

    >> Click here to Launch your Freelancing Business: ...

    You can customize it to suit your brand…In just 3 clicks you can have your complete freelancing platform ready...

    Login: Login to Al Freelancer-based app (Nothing to Install)
    Setup: Just I-Click To Setup Your Al-Driven Freelancing platform
    Profit: Your Profit-Pulling Al-Driven Freelancing platform Is Ready To pull in Huge Bucks For You Automatically

    That’s how easy it is to use the FreelancerPro AI to start getting top-dollar payments from clients.

    But the catch is,

    We have just limited slots for the FreelancerPro AI earlybird access and this means if you don’t take action now you might have to pay double later.

    >> Click here to Launch your Freelancing Business: ...

    Robert Banks

    Address: 1802 Angus Road
    New York, NY 10029

    Hey there,

    Exciting news! DomainProphets just went live, and it's about to change the game in domain flipping.

    Ever wondered how some people seem to make a killing in the domain industry? Well, it's not just luck. The domain market is huge - we're talking $127 billion huge.

    And now, you've got a chance to get your slice of the pie.

    Here's the deal: Domain flipping can be incredibly profitable. Buy low, sell high - simple, right? But finding those hidden gem domains and the right buyers... that's where most people struggle.

    That's where DomainProphets comes in: ... .

    This tool makes domain flipping easier than ever:

    AI Find valuable domains for you
    Analyzes their worth
    Connects you with potential buyers
    No more endless searching or guesswork. DomainProphets does the heavy lifting, so you can focus on closing deals and making money.

    Want to see how it works?

    Check it out here : ...

    To your success,

    Nathaniel Ayala

    Address: 3541 Rubaiyat Road
    Grand Rapids, MI 49503


    Do you know that the children's book market is an untapped gold mine? According to recent data, it's a booming $4 billion industry in the US alone!

    Did you also know that an increasing number of parents and educators are turning to online platforms to find engaging and educational children's books? Over 60% of children's books are now purchased online!

    Now, here's the real kicker: with the brand new A.I. Children's Book Maker 2500, you can easily tap into this lucrative market:

    : ...

    This innovative web app uses artificial intelligence to write and illustrate high-quality children's books in just minutes. No need for writing or illustrating skills. Just input your idea and let the AI bring your story to life.

    Imagine creating a unique product for this thriving market, without the traditional overhead costs of book publishing. This could open up a significant new revenue stream for you.

    Don't miss out on this. The launch special will be ending soon:

    : ...

    Try A.I. Children's Book Maker 2500 today and take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level.

    To your success,

    Theresa Puryear

    Address: 3550 Scheuvront Drive
    Greenwood Village, CO 80111

    Want to boost profits fast and effortlessly? With intelligent AI, you can now build high-converting funnels in record time! This tool is designed for those who want real, visible sales results. In just minutes, you’ll have optimized sales pages and compelling copy, ready to attract your audience and turn them into customers. Everything you need for success is right here. Find out how it works! ...

    Imagine zooming past all the hurdles holding you back from financial freedom.

    While others are stuck in traffic,

    you’re on the express lane to success.

    A good buddy of mine always had big dreams of financial independence.

    But every time he thought he was getting close,

    something would get in the way bills,

    unexpected expenses, or simply life.

    Then he discovered the AI Profit Machine.

    This game-changer allowed him to automate income generation effortlessly: ... .

    No more getting stuck in the slow lane!

    If you’re yearning for financial freedom, you need to jump on this opportunity!

    It’s your chance to fast-track your journey to the life you’ve always wanted.

    Don’t let this opportunity zip past you.
    Take action now!

    Go and grab this right now:

    Kyle Moore

    P.S. Stop crawling through life. Get on the fast track to financial freedom with the AI Profit Machine:

    Address: 295 Crosswind Drive
    Owensboro, KY 42301


    Want a creative way to generate a new stream for your business?

    Ever considered publishing children's books? With A.I. Children's Book Maker 2500, it's not just possible - it's easy!

    Check this out:

    : ...

    This state-of-the-art web app allows you to create captivating children's books using advanced AI technology. It takes care of both the writing and illustration, and all you need to do is input your ideas (or let the app come up with the idea too, LOL). No writing or illustration skills needed!

    Consider this: the children's book market is thriving and is valued at over $4 Billion, so there's plenty of pie for everyone who wants a piece.

    With A.I. Children's Book Maker 2500, you can tap into this lucrative industry without the traditional overhead costs associated with book publishing.

    This AI tool creates high-quality books that captivate both children and adults, making your book a likely favorite. Just imagine the potential!

    I encourage you to check it out before the launch special ends:

    : ...

    Try A.I. Children's Book Maker 2500 today. Embark on a thrilling venture, leverage the power of AI, and unlock a new stream of business.

    To new successes,

    Donna Acevedo

    Address: 2816 Simpson Avenue
    Schaefferstown, PA 17067

    What do you get when you combine movies with AI? The ultimate recipe for success! (and by success I also mean big fat profits)

    Imagine taking the most powerful AI tools right now and letting them create original movies and TV shows that you can stream on a platform that pays you each time some browses it and hits the “play” button.

    If you haven’t thought about joining the movie streaming industry so far, let me be the one to convince you:

    ...> See how to do it right here: ...

    There’s a new app launching today called Flicker that allows you to cancel your streaming AND AI subscriptions FOREVER…

    And at the same time start selling one-time fee unlimited movies and TV shows to OTHERS (or give it away for free).

    All you have to do? Put the AIs to work and trust them to do an incredible job.

    We’re talking here about real, premium AIs: Midjourney Mega, Stable Diffusion Pro and DallE 3 HD.

    These 3 together would cost you more than $300 per month!

    But today you can find them built right inside Flicker.

    For just one tiny fee you get unlimited use, forever! Isn’t that amazing?

    Flicker lets you do it all - and it’s AI based so once you configure it in the beginning, you really don’t need to do anything else.

    That’s right: get ready to own your very own streaming service where you can:

    ...+... Auto-add millions of TV shows, movies and documentaries in seconds with 1 click
    (and without paying either!)
    ...+... Get unlimited zero cost streaming for yourself and offer it to your users too
    ...+... 4K to 16k streams with no restrictions on number of devices or account sharing
    ...+... Sell subscriptions or give away free access and monetize with ads ... affiliate offers
    ...+... Build your list on autopilot and send notifications to users when a new show is added

    ...> Secure your copy with 1 click: ...

    What about traffic? They’ve got that covered too!

    Flicker comes with an “auto-promotion” module that has automated shorts creation which lets you promote anything on TikTok, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels.

    Use it to run shorts of your movie trailers and get people hooked to your “Netflix AI”, in addition to SEO optimization done for you from the start.

    It’s never been easier to create original movies, TV shows, cartoons and more from the comfort of your laptop without fancy equipment or any prior knowledge of video creation ... editing.

    So we’ve agreed that Flicker is quite an impressive app that will help you finally earn the money you’ve only dreamed of so far.

    And that’s with absolutely zero work on your side. The only issue?

    The limited release discount price is only available for the next few hours, so hurry and get started before everyone discovers this gem software!

    ...> Time to cash in from AI movies: ...

    To your success,
    George Campbell

    Address: 1505 Still Street
    Norwalk, OH 44857

    What if I told you that you have untapped earning potential just waiting to be unlocked?

    It’s like finding a hidden treasure chest in your backyard.

    A mate of mine always had big dreams but never quite reached them.

    He spent years working hard but felt like he was running in circles.

    Then he discovered the AI Profit Machine, and everything changed: ... .

    It was the key he didn’t know he needed to unlock his true earning potential.

    Imagine having a system that not only works for you but exponentially increases your income.
    No more wasted time and effort, just results!

    Don’t let this chance pass you by.

    Unlock your potential and start living the life you deserve!

    Go and grab this right now:


    Maria Ackerman

    Address: 4998 Bridge Avenue
    Lake Charles, LA 70601


    Imagine accessing the world’s most advanced AI tools from one convenient platform—without any monthly fees. With TotalAi, that vision becomes a reality: ... .

    TotalAi gives you access to:

    ✅ ChatGPT 4.0 ... ChatGPT 4 – The latest in conversational AI

    ✅ Gemini Pro – Advanced multi-modal capabilities

    ✅ DALL·E 3 – Stunning AI-generated images

    ✅ Leonardo AI – Innovative design and creative solutions

    ✅ Microsoft Copilot Pro – Boost productivity with AI assistance

    ✅ Meta Llama 3 – Powerful language models

    ✅ Stable Diff XL – Enhanced image synthesis

    ✅ PaLM 2 – Next-level natural language processing

    Simplify your AI setup and maximize your productivity with TotalAi, all without recurring charges. Start Your AI Journey Now: ... !

    Jack Whitby

    Address: 4502 Bailey Drive
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52486


    You may have heard that children's books are big business. But did you know just HOW big?

    The industry is valued at a staggering $4 billion in the US alone!

    Here's another fact to consider: over 60% of children's books are now sold online. That's a massive pool of potential customers, all searching for their next enchanting story.

    That's where you come in:

    : ...

    Now, what if you could create high-quality children's books effortlessly and tap into this thriving market? With A.I. Children's Book Maker 2500, you absolutely can!

    This powerful web app uses cutting-edge AI to write and illustrate stunning children's books in mere minutes. You don't need any experience in writing or drawing. Simply guide the AI with your idea and watch as your story comes to life.

    What does this mean for you? A unique product. A booming market. Minimal overhead costs. And a golden opportunity to open up a lucrative new income stream.

    Check it out right now during the launch special:

    : ...

    Seize this opportunity today with A.I. Children's Book Maker 2500. Let's shape the future of children's literature together.

    To your continued success,

    Barry Smith

    Address: 4768 Marigold Lane
    Coral Gables, FL 33134

    Ever felt like you’re trying to complete a puzzle, but you’re missing key pieces?

    That’s how many feel when trying to navigate the online marketing jungle.

    A friend of mine spent years trying to figure it all out.

    He bought course after course,

    but it felt like he was building a castle with missing blocks.

    Frustrated, he nearly gave up.

    Then he found the Michael Cheney and his AI Machine, which QUICKLY turned everything around.

    It was the missing piece, helping him finally connect the dots to online success: ... .

    Don’t let confusion hold you back any longer.

    With the AI Profit Machine, you can finally assemble the puzzle and see the big picture of financial freedom.

    It’s time to put your strategies into action and start seeing results!

    Go and grab this right now:

    Tyrone Hall

    Address: 4154 Kessla Way
    Charleston, SC 29401

    Hi there,

    We run a Youtube growth service, where we can increase your subscriber count safely and practically.

    - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new subscribers each month.
    - Real, human subscribers who subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos.
    - Safe: All actions are done, without using any automated tasks / bots.

    Our price is just $60 (USD) per month and we can start immediately.

    If you are interested then we can discuss further.

    Kind Regards,

    $542.43 Credited - Check Wallet Fast!
    Do you want to earn an extra $500 without a single work done?

    That's an extra $3,500 weekly.

    >>Click Here to see how to go about it and cash out $542.43 instantly: ...

    I woke up to that figure without doing any work.

    All with the help of this New Cloud-based AI Tool Powered By Microsoft CoDI ... KosMos that can magically Turn Your Thoughts To Real Businesses printing you $500+ daily without any single work here

    Sincerely, You have nothing to lose if you grab this tool now…

    The good news is….

    You can have access to this AI now if you hurry…

    The sad news is…

    It is limited and if you skip this minute, you will never find this again.

    Fortunately, you have it here >>Grab your lifetime edition copy here: ...

    If you’ve been missing out on goodies over the years now its time to grab this life-changing offer.

    This isn't the saturated ChatGPT, this is new, hot, and the fastest way to earn quick $

    In 2 minutes, your money lands…

    Clicked? >>See wallet balance here: ...

    Fastest fingers bonuses here, Claim them asap<<<(You’ll be blown away)

    Congratulations to you!
    Jerome Jones

    Address: 3879 Brooklyn Street
    Eugene, OR 97401


    It's time to explore AI and reap the rewards.

    Imagine waking up to a fully loaded course platform in any niche with a marketplace to sell them.

    Imagine owning an Udemy-like platform worth over $100 million.

    You may be laid back because this isn't easy…

    Creating a platform like Udemy can cost a ton and they need experts to record courses.

    What if you can skip all that?

    Introducing Coursiify: ...

    The First To Market AI Virtual Assistants-Sonia Leverages Machine Learning To Turn Any Keyword Into Full E-Learning Platforms In Seconds…

    With Coursiify you will get:

    Expertly Crafted Courses
    Attractive Designs
    Zero Coding e-learning platform
    An Inbuilt marketplace to market and sell all courses for you without any effort.
    And so much more.


    You are still early and can get all amazing offers…

    Bonuses Worth 6k+ for you here: ...

    Don't miss out.

    Get Coursiify Here ... Watch it work for you: ...

    See you inside
    Rocky Jenkins

    Address: 1053 Holly Street
    Augusta, GA 30901


    Wish you could get floods of traffic with just a click? Today is your lucky day! We're launching something so big, it's going to change the game forever.

    Imagine directing a tsunami of eager visitors straight to your website. Our upcoming launch is making waves, and our community is buzzing with excitement.

    Secure your spot now. Dive in, and let the traffic tsunami boost your sales to sky-high levels!

    Don't wait – the wave is coming. Buy now and ride the traffic tsunami to success!

    Click Here: ...

    Patricia Barrett

    Address: 2194 Patterson Street
    Houston, TX 77063

    If you have ever used ChatGPT

    It will shock you to know that ChatGPT acts only on outdated 2021 data (contents, designs, funnels nor does it creates a website )

    That's why smart marketers don't use it again...

    But here is a 100x perfect solution. ...>Click here to secure your access to this ever-green app, AI Pilot: ...

    It’s time for you to stop spending money on hiring freelancers without making a profit.

    Even if you don’t know shit about marketing AI Pilot is the best place to start to profit HUGE consistently.

    >>See Proof here: ...

    The best part is...

    You can customize the AI Pilot App to transform your thoughts into reality,

    And this will catapult your business to the next level…

    We are making over $542.43 per day with this system … you too can.

    >>Click here to secure your access to this ever-green app, AI Pilot: ...

    Ricardo Mendivil

    Address: 2153 Spirit Drive
    Hastings, FL 32145


    I’ll be honest with you…

    Most newbies struggled REALLY hard in 2024…

    And I get it…

    After all, most marketing gurus only care about themselves…

    They promise you online riches…



    And God knows what else…

    But at the end of the day, you always end up without results to show for your hard work…

    It SUCKS…

    Well, today I want to change that…

    I want to do something that nobody else ever does…

    I would like to hand you (on a silver platter) a revolutionary method that will earn you $500 per day...

    By exploiting Facebook’s Optimization Algorithm…

    ...> Click Here To Discover “Evoke”: ...

    It’s simple: if you’re not riding the AI wave, you’ll remain broke as a joke...

    Why sit on the sidelines while everyone else fills their pockets?

    The best part is that you ( can say goodbye to…

    Creating a product…
    Buying FB ads…
    Putting in extra effort…
    Complicated methods…
    Creating content…
    Hiring editors or writers…

    ...> Click Here To Discover “Evoke”: ...

    Listen, making $500 isn’t that hard…

    You don’t need to be Einstein…

    Really, you do not have to spend your entire day staring at your laptop.

    One brain cell and an internet connection are all that’s required...

    Nothing else!

    Now, click the link below to get started…

    ...> Click Here To Grab “Evoke”: ...

    Talk soon,

    Jose Whitaker

    Address: 1684 Mutton Town Road
    Redmond, WA 98052

    Ready to share your movies on Netflix? Click here for details. ...


    It’s true…

    Mark Zukerberg Is not happy…

    He’s PISSED.

    Why, you might ask?

    My team and I created a completely legal app that generates 2,356 clicks daily…

    Making us $500 every time we “flick a switch…”

    This VIP app is called “Evoke”...

    ...> Click Here To Grab Evoke: ...

    A few things about this unique app…

    It’s super easy to use…
    You don’t need to have experience…
    It generates TONS of free traffic…
    No setup needed…
    It works right out of the box…
    Perfect for newbies…
    Makes REAL commissions…

    I guarantee that you’ve ( never seen anything like this…

    It’s the ONLY app in the world that creates a “set ... forget” AI engine which exploits Facebook’s Algo…

    For unstoppable and life-changing profits…

    Even if you’re a complete beginner!

    ...> Click Here To Find Out How You Can Make Money With Evoke: ...

    Mark my words…

    "Evoke" is the BEST cloud-based app ever, and it will EXPLODE the market.

    We spent more than 100k developing this bad boy…

    And remember, we even made Mark Zuckenberg MAD…

    Because we’re funneling Facebook’s MASSIVE traffic pool into our links…

    Making us SIX FIGURES in 2024…

    And now it’s your turn…

    NO learning curve…
    NO media buying…
    NO skills needed…
    NO blogging…
    NO nonsense…

    Just point, click and PROFIT:

    ...> Click Here To Grab Evoke: ...

    Talk soon,

    Michael Milner

    Address: 3294 Desert Broom Court
    Rochelle Park, NJ 07662

    Audiobook is now the BIG goldmine, and people are making huge profits with it on a daily basis…

    Sadly, creating and selling them can be tough and super-expensive.

    But I have got good news for you…

    Meet Vox AI

    The World’s First ChatGPT4-Powered AI App That Turns Any "Text, URL, Website, Article, Keyword, Blog, Document or PDF" into High-Quality Audiobooks or Podcast In 660 Different Voices ... 80 Languages…

    >> Click Here To See The Live Demo: ...

    With Vox AI, you can generate content on any topic using “Siri-Like” voice command ... turn it to Audiobooks, Podcasts, or Voiceovers for VSL, TV Commercial, Webinars, Sales Videos, etc

    ... Publish To The Built-In Marketplace with 2.3M active users, Sell ... Receive Instant Payments Via Multiple Methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts…

    >> Click Here to Get Instant Access to Vox AI and Sell On Automation: ... .

    Coupon Code - VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

    Even if you are a newbie with zero knowledge… VoxAI is your best shot.

    You can easily Activate VoxAI in 3 simple steps ... start your audiobook empire:

    Step 1: Login - Login to VoxAI Cloud-Bases App

    Step 2: Generate- Enter a Keyword, article, PDF, or even a URL… and VoxAI will turn them into a Full Audiobook or Podcast

    Step 3: Publish- publish your audiobooks on our built-in marketplace with 2.3 million active users.

    Step 4: Start Profiting as soon as you are done

    It is as simple as that.

    >> Get Lifetime Access Here: ...

    With Vox AI, you can…

    Create Your First Audiobook Within 2 Minutes
    Turn Any Article, Website, Url, PDF or Blog Into Audiobook, Podcast, VSL, Audio/Music Track…
    Create A Podcast With Human Voice Without Recording
    Choose From 660 Real Human Voices
    Create Voices In 80+ Different Languages
    Comes With 50+ Built-In AI Features That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier
    We Don’t Even Write Scripts, We Let AI Do It For Us.
    Publish Your AudioBook To Our Marketplace With 2.3 Million Active User
    Publish your AudioBook Or Podcast To (Spotify, Audible, Scribe)
    No Complicated Setup - Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes

    …All these, and many more without Paying Any Monthly Fee

    >> Click Here To Get Earlybird Access (Ends In 2 Hours From Now): ...

    Coupon Code - VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

    And if you are lucky enough to be among the first 12 people, you will also get VIP access to my bonuses

    >> Click here to get Lifetime access to VoxAI and start profiting from day one: ... .

    Fair Warning - Go In Now To Avoid Paying Monthly Fee Later

    Kyla Cardenas

    Address: 1952 Hillcrest Lane
    Irvine, CA 92714


    There's no denying that the new AI technology is a game-changer for every online business.

    However, it's not been especially easy to implement and use the AI for all the things you could be using it for... until now!

    Check out this new dashboard to make it easy: ...

    This dashboard is designed to help you create content with ease. With just a few clicks, you can:

    - Do research
    - Write blog posts
    - Write emails
    - Write social media posts
    - Write product reviews
    - Write sales letters
    - Write video scripts
    - Generate original images

    Fully-Undetectable AI Content!

    And the best part? You don't need to have any special skills or writing ability to use it.

    GPTDash was created by top-notch internet marketers and copywriters who understand how to get the best results from the AI engines. So instead of worrying about the right prompts, just enter a few keywords, and let the engine do all the "work" for you.

    With GPTDash, you'll be able to get more work done and make more while working less. So why wait? I recommend grabbing this today: ...

    Take advantage of the special launch offer today before it expires.


    Andrea Johnson

    Address: 144 Don Jackson Lane
    Brighton, MI 48116


    Would you like to get some Bitc0in..

    Without actually paying for it?

    Sound like an impossible task to pull off?

    Well I’m here to tell you that this is NOT the case

    ...>> Go here to see the secret for getting Bitc0in ... Ethereum: ...

    Nothing like this has been accomplished before..

    With this brand new system…

    .. you have the ability to turn ANY phone or computer into a crypt0 extraction machine.

    Want to see it in action?

    ...>> Click here to check it out: ...

    This is one of those things you “wish” you had your hands on much earlier..

    Michael Palacios

    Address: 2082 Arlington Avenue
    Knoxville, TN 37917

    Boost your earnings with our blueprint for free Google traffic. Easy-to-follow, detailed!

    Discover the method here ...

    What if every Monday morning,

    Rather than start the week with a soul-crushing commute,

    You just flipped open your laptop to a flood of traffic generating a wad that would choke a Scottish Longhorn Bull?

    On autopilot…

    Interested? – Keep reading…

    There’s a proven system that you can plug in, turn on, and be off to the races faster than you can say, “Robert the Bruce.” : ...

    …But I know what you’re thinking!

    “There’s no way a hands-free funbucks funnel will just fall into my lap... right?”

    That’s what I used to think too.

    But now you can ethically steal THIS shortcut and be up and running faster than you can watch Braveheart (2 hours, 50 minutes).

    “Push play” on this one now!

    : ...


    Francis Stanley

    P.S. Don’t blow your chance! You don’t have to go it alone. Grab this while you can and you’ll have a full system for building a serious business!

    : ...

    Address: 21 Freedom Lane
    Stockton, CA 95204


    I just visited and wondered if you'd ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do?

    Our prices start from just $195.

    Let me know if you're interested in seeing samples of our previous work.



    The 9 to 5 grind has always seemed to me like a trap...

    After all…

    Breaking your back for so many hours to make someone else's dream a reality stinks…

    That’s the truth…

    But, what about YOUR dreams?

    What about doing things that make YOU happy?

    Don’t worry, I have something that will help you get back in charge of your life...

    ...>Click on this link to generate $28,922.90 per month: ...


    Are you prepared to live your life on YOUR terms?

    Well, with Amplify you totally can…

    It is the ONLY tool you'll ever need to start making money online like never before...

    And oh boy, it works so well…

    ...> Grab Amplify now: ...

    Amplify is the ONLY app on the market that exploits Amazon's Reviews System, unlocking 20,000 Buyer Clicks with every mouse click...

    And here’s the weird part…

    You don’t even need your own products!

    What’s more…

    It’s not necessary to post anything, or even reveal your face…

    It’s all automated thanks to its powerful AI…

    ...> Grab Amplify now: ...

    Secure a copy now and take control of your financial future…

    Talk soon,
    Brant Buster

    Address: 4525 Cooks Mine Road
    Maljamar, NM 88264

    Hi ,

    What if you could lock in lifetime access to the very best money-making tools of 2024 for a single low investment?

    This End of Year Special is unlike anything you've seen before, and it’s available for a limited time only. Here's why you can't afford to miss out:

    Why You Should Grab This Deal Today:

    1️⃣ Lifetime Access to All 2024 Hits:

    From groundbreaking AI tools to innovative cashflow systems, you'll have it all. These tools are designed to make money, save time, and put your business on autopilot: ... .

    2️⃣ Massive Savings:

    Instead of paying for these products one-by-one (and breaking the bank), you get everything bundled for a fraction of the cost.

    3️⃣ Giveaway Rights Included:

    Want to share these tools with your audience? Use them as incentives, bonuses, or gifts to build your influence and grow your following.

    What’s Inside?

    ✨ GPT Store Exposed: Learn how to create profitable AI tools that rank on Google and generate hands-free income.

    ✨ Slide Cash Loophole: Unlock free traffic strategies to drive passive income using simple slides.

    ✨ Anonymous AI: Discover how to earn big anonymously—no products, no followers, no prior experience.

    This isn’t just a sale... it’s your chance to set yourself up for success in 2025 and beyond.

    ➡ Click here to secure your lifetime access now: ... !

    Don’t miss this opportunity to end the year strong and start 2025 ahead of the game. Act fast—this deal ends soon.

    Cheers to your success,

    Kathy Rodriques

    Address: 2137 Sunny Glen Lane
    Cleveland, OH 44114

    Hi there,

    We run a TikTok growth service, which increases your number of followers both safely and practically.

    - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ followers per month.
    - People follow because they are interested in your profile, increasing likes, comments and interaction.
    - All actions are made manually by our team. We do not use any 'bots'.

    The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start immediately.

    If you have any questions, let me know, and we can discuss further.

    Kind Regards,


    Do you want to have more money to spend on yourself?

    Sick of paying bills all the time with no cash left to enjoy?

    I’m here to tell you that this time in your life is over.

    You can make the change TODAY.

    Now accessing this 'Big Boys' loophole on the internet: ... , you can earn 4 Figures a week.

    Best of all, you don't need any experience in making-money online.

    Chat soon,

    Jeffrey Robinson

    Address: 4618 Boone Street
    Corpus Christi, TX 78476

    Hey there,

    Tired of juggling a dozen different tools to create content, graphics, marketing materials, and more?

    What if you could automate everything with AI in just a few clicks?

    Here's what our software can do for you:

    - Generate unique, high-quality content for any niche in seconds.
    - Design stunning graphics, landing pages, and websites.
    - Write compelling copy for emails, ads, and sales pages.
    - Automate social media posts and create effective marketing campaigns.

    And SO much more!

    Plus, get a FREE Commercial License and exclusive DFY bonuses when you act now! (Offer ends when the timer hits zero!) ⏳

    Click here to learn more ...


    Jump into the world of book creation effortlessly. Publish your ideas quickly and watch them come to life for yourself. Want to start? See how! ...


    There’s a brand-new, top-secret AI tool from Google that’s about to change everything. It’s called “Underground AI,” and it can instantly deliver you more traffic, more content, and more profits—without you ever showing your face on camera or wasting time on complicated tasks.

    Here’s why you need it:

    Instant Content ... Traffic: Get fully optimized articles, social posts, and videos in seconds.

    No Experience Needed: Anyone, anywhere in the world can use this.

    Real Profits, Fast: Turn on a steady stream of targeted visitors and watch your income grow.

    The price is going up with every sale, so this is your chance to jump in now—before it gets more expensive.

    Get Underground AI now and watch the magic happen: ...

    Talk soon,
    Kathleen Bruce

    Address: 4789 Simpson Square
    Cherokee, OK 73728


    Are you struggling to create content that not only engages your audience but also drives profits for your business?

    Look no further than this new AI solution: ...

    This dashboard was designed by top internet marketers and copywriters who know how to leverage ChatGPT to create profitable content. With GPTDash, all you have to do is enter a few keywords and let the engine do the rest.

    The result? Original, engaging, and profitable content that will set you apart from your competition. Plus, with this easy-to-use dashboard, you'll save valuable time and resources.

    Don't just take my word for it. I encourage you to try GPTDash today and see the results for yourself. There is a launch special today that I don't want you to miss: ...

    Stay ahead of the game with this new AI dashboard. As always, I'm here to help you succeed.

    To your success,

    Mark Clark

    Address: 601 Melville Street
    Collierville, TN 38017

    If you have used AIs before and want a cheat code to access more of them without paying a dime, you now have access to the Premium versions in just one Dashboard.

    … Without a monthly subscription

    >> Click here to get the 100+ AIs on a single dashboard: ... .

    You can now access premium AI apps like ChatGPT, Leonard AI, DALL-E, Canva AI, Claude, Gemini, Copilot, ElevenLab, Bard AI, MidJourney, Jasper, Stable Diffusion, Synthesia and 90+ More Powerful AI Models

    Which you can never easily get on a normal day without paying for them.

    It has equally saved me over $1000 monthly that I can invest back into my business for 2x profit…

    This means you get backdoor access to create any kind of 4k Images, Articles, Write Ads, Branding, Logos, Business Cards, 8k Motion Videos, Funnels, Voiceovers, Clone Voice, Turn Speech To Text, Create AI Assistant ChatBots, And Much Much More.

    >>Get INSTANT access here: ...

    All you need is- give an instruction and voila you simply generate anything.

    No matter the business you run online,

    This is the cheapest way to get an AI Model that makes running a business online easy with automated profit - without joggling between paid AI apps.

    Finally, this will save you thousands of dollars monthly/yearly

    >> Click here to get the 100+ AIs on a single dashboard: ... .

    Maurice Berg

    Address: 4652 Roane Avenue
    Houston, TX 77038

    Hi there,

    We run a YouTube growth service, which increases your number of subscribers both safely and practically.

    - We guarantee to gain you 700-1500+ subscribers per month.
    - People subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos, increasing likes, comments and interaction.
    - All actions are made manually by our team. We do not use any 'bots'.

    The price is just $60 (USD) per month, and we can start immediately.

    If you have any questions, let me know, and we can discuss further.

    Kind Regards,

    Opt-out: ...


    I just visited and wondered if you'd ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do?

    Our prices start from just $195.

    Let me know if you're interested in seeing samples of our previous work. If you are not interested, just use the link at the bottom.


    Unsubscribe: ...

    I noticed a few issues on your website and want to fix them for you for free, what's a good phone number to get ahold of you on?

    Hi there,

    We run a Youtube growth service, where we can increase your subscriber count safely and practically.

    - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new subscribers each month.
    - Real, human subscribers who subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos.
    - Safe: All actions are done, without using any automated tasks / bots.

    Our price is just $60 (USD) per month and we can start immediately.

    If you are interested then we can discuss further.

    Kind Regards,

    Opt-out: ...

    Tired of SEO tricks that don’t work? Discover how to gain traffic effortlessly!

    See how now ...

    Hi there,

    We wanted to introduce you to a revolutionary system that helps you create AI-powered tools to generate steady, qualified leads without paid advertising.

    Key benefits:

    Create AI tools in minutes with simple copy/paste templates
    Drive free, targeted traffic to any niche or offer
    Built-in call-to-action system to funnel leads to your sales pages
    No coding or technical experience needed

    We're currently offering a special launch price of $17 (regular $97) which includes bonus training on traffic generation and AI monetization.

    For more details, check out: ...



    I just visited and wondered if you'd ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do?

    Our prices start from just $195.

    Let me know if you're interested in seeing samples of our previous work.


    Hi there,

    We run a Youtube growth service, where we can increase your subscriber count safely and practically.

    - Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new subscribers each month.
    - Real, human subscribers who subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos.
    - Safe: All actions are done, without using any automated tasks / bots.

    Our price is just $60 (USD) per month and we can start immediately.

    If you are interested then we can discuss further.

    Kind Regards,

Tietoa Nettilamppu

Nettilamppu arviot 
Valaisimet ja lamput tuovat korvaamatonta valoa kotiin, varsinkin vuoden pimeimpänä vuodenaikana. Parhaimmillaan ne voivat olla myös tärkeitä sisustuselementtejä, jotka jo itsessään voivat muuttaa huoneen ilmeen täysin. Oikeanlainen valaisin voi myös olla pieni ympäristöteko, esimerkiksi yleiskäyttöön sopivat energiansäästölamput kuluttavat sähköä jopa 80% vähemmän kuin hehkulamput. Laadukkaat valaisimet ovat usein kalliita, minkä takia suomalaiset uskaltavat ostaa valaisimia vain luotettavista verkkokaupoista tai kivijalkaliikkeistä. Kiireisessä elämäntilanteessa myös kodin suurimmat ostokset on kuitenkin kätevintä tehdä verkkokaupan kautta. Näin säästyy kallista aikaa ja hinnat ovat usein kilpailukykyisempiä verkkokaupoissa kuin kivijalkaliikkeissä.  Valaisimet ovat usein myös herkkiä ja ne särkyvät helposti. Tämän takia on tärkeää, että verkkokauppa osaa pakata lamput niin, että ne kestävät postin kuljetuksen. Mistä voi siis tietää, mikä verkkokauppa on luotettava? Millaista pakkausmateriaalia verkkokauppa käyttää? Onko verkkokauppa tunnettu? Millaiset toimitusajat verkkokaupalla on? Entä kuinka laadukkaita yrityksen tuotteet ovat?  

Yksi erilaisia valaisimia myyvä verkkokauppa on Parhain tapa löytää vastaukset yllämainittuihin kysymyksiin on lukea Nettilampun oikeiden asiakkaiden jättämiä arvosteluja. Luettuasi Nettilampun arvosteluja voit itse päättää, olisiko Nettilamppu sopiva verkkokauppa sinun valaisinostoksillesi.  

Mikä on Nettilamppu? 
Nettilampun valikoimaan kuuluu yli 20 000 erilaista valaisinta ja lamppua. Nettilamppu toimii ainoastaan verkkokauppana ja sillä on Euroopan suurin lamppujen ja valaisimien valikoima. Nettilamppu on alun perin saksalainen yritys, jonka perusti sen nykyinen toimitusjohtaja Thomas Rebmann jo vuonna 1999. Rebmann aloitti yritystoiminnan myymällä tarkoin valikoituja laatuvalaisimia Ebayssä, ennen kuin yritys pääsi perustamaan oman verkkokauppansa vuonna 2002. Vuodesta 2004 yritys on tunnettu Saksassa nimellä Lampenwelt eli ?lamppumaailma?. Yrityksellä on nykyään yli 350 työntekijää ja vuonna 2012 sille myönnettiin Saksan menestyksekkäimmälle keskisuurelle yritykselle myönnettävä palkinto. Nettilamppu  toimittaa tuotteita koko Eurooppaan ja myös valittuihin kohteisiin Euroopan ulkopuolella.  

Millainen verkkokauppa Nettilamppu on? 
Nettilamppu myy erilaisia valaisimia niin sisä-kuin ulkokäyttöön. Sen valikoimasta löytyy myös nykyaikaisiin älykoteihin sopivia valaisimia ja erilaisia LED-valaisimia sekä tavallisia lamppuja. Nettilamppu myy eri hintaisia ja erilaisiin tarkoituksiin soveltuvia valaisimia. Nettilamppu tarjoaa kotisivuillaan valaistusideoita eri kodin huoneisiin ja tarpeisiin. Valaistusideoita löytyy esimerkiksi makuuhuoneeseen, keittiöön ja kylpyhuoneeseen. Nettilampulla on suomalainen asiakaspalvelu, johon voi soittaa arkipäivinä maanantaista perjantaihin kello 10.00-13.00 ja 13.30-17.00. Tämän lisäksi yritykselle voi lähettää palautetta ja kotisivuilta löytyy usein kysyttyjen kysymysten FAQ-osio. Asiakaspalvelu on ilmainen. Yritys tarjoaa ilmaisen toimituksen yli 99? tilauksille. Tuotteet toimittaa perille Suomessa Postnord. Verkkokaupassa voi maksaa turvallisilla ja yleisimmillä maksutavoilla. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi maksaminen luotto- ja pankkikortilla ja Paypal alustalla maksaminen. Toimituskulut ovat 9,90? alle 15 euron arvoisille tilauksille ja 6,90? jos tilauksen arvo on yli 15? mutta alle 99?. Tilausten toimitusaika Suomeen on 4-6 arkipäivää, jos tuotetta on valmiina varastossa. Kaikkiin Nettilampun hintoihin sisältyy valmiiksi arvonlisävero 24%.  

Kehuja, valituksia ja vinkkejä  
Oletko ostanut tuotteen Nettilampusta? Millainen kokemuksesi oli asiakaspalvelusta? Entä toimituksesta? Pitivätkö annetut toimitusajat paikkaansa? Oliko kokemuksessasi jotain ongelmia? Saitko mahdollisesti väärän tai vioittuneen tuotteen? Miten asiakaspalvelu auttoi sinua ongelmasi kanssa? Entä mihin olit mahdollisesti tyytyväinen?  

Kerro meille kokemuksesi Nettilampusta. Voit kertoa koko kokemuksesi tai vain osan, jos et halua jakaa kaikkea. Kertomalla kokemuksesi Nettilampusta kerrot uusille asiakkaille mitä he voivat odottaa tältä yritykseltä.  

Onko Nettilamppu sinun tarpeisiisi sopiva verkkokauppa? Selvitä lukemalla Nettilampun aikaisempien asiakkaiden kokemuksia tuotteista, toimituksesta ja muista askarruttavista asioista.  


🌟 Miten Nettilamppu loisti sinulle?

📊 Miten Nettilamppu loisti sinulle?


    Rabanusstraße 14-16

    36037 Fulda



    ☎ +358 9 3157 9451


    Kategoriat Nettilamppu

    Verkkokaupat | Sisustus & Huonekalut


    Seite online seit: 18. maaliskuuta 2020
    Letzte aktualisierung: 22. helmikuuta 2025